Aerospace Engineering 2012-02-15

  • Bright outlook for glass cockpits
    Cockpits are adopting larger screens and touch input, using modularity to ease upgrades.
  • Composites give copters a lift
    Design, fabrication, and analysis of a tail rotor blade made of composite laminated materials for a heavy transport helicopter.
  • Taming overruns with simulation
    For aerospace projects, cost overruns and program delays start in the concept and proposal stage. How could using today's advanced CAE simulations earlier reduce that risk?
  • Going modular with airborne radar
    Innovative approaches to solving the affordability challenge posed by too many specialist airborne surveillance systems.
  • Efficient & effective leadership
    Frank O. Klegon, a 30-year SAE member and former product development VP at Chrysler, brings 'customer first' approach to term as SAE International's chief elective officer.
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