Virtual Current Control Loop for STMicroelectronics Coil Driver L9374-L9375 Kit in ABS-ESC Control Units
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- Content
- In this work, we propose an innovative coil driver kit for new generation ABS/ESC control unit. It is composed by STMicroelectronics L9374-L9375 coil drivers and a VCCL (Virtual Current Control Loop) implemented on the micro-controller of the control unit that allows the L9374-L9375 to work as having 6 current regulated channels. This SW library, implementing the virtual current control loop, has been tested in different working conditions of the coil drivers. Basically, the results show a satisfactory behavior of the virtual current control loop in all the test conditions taken into account. It comes out an accuracy of the virtual current control loop that is similar the nominal accuracy of the 2 current regulated channels of the L9374.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Cesario, N., Taglialatela, F., and Lavorgna, M., "Virtual Current Control Loop for STMicroelectronics Coil Driver L9374-L9375 Kit in ABS-ESC Control Units," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-1216, 2009,