Vehicle System Integration (Electric Parking Brake)



15th SAE Brasil International Brake and Motion Control Colloquium & Engineering Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The initial step to implement the brake-by-wire on vehicles is to replace the conventional mechanical parking brake with an Electric Parking Brake (EPB). This paper aims to share the experience in integrating the EPB into the vehicle with respect to design and validation points of view. It starts by introducing the EPB in comparison with the conventional mechanical parking brake, showing two kinds of EPB: with a drum brake (EPB-Si, Simplex integrated) and with a caliper (EPB-Ci, Caliper integrated). In sequence, it explains the most important EPB functions. After a basic knowledge introduction, it describes the integration process, separating into 3 different levels: mechanical, electrical, and software, having a brief description that includes some lessons learned from each one. Two parts compose the EPB system: drum brake or caliper with Motor Gear Unit (MGU) and the software to control it, Parking Brake Controller (PBC) library, running into the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) software/module. The biggest content is at the software level, which has a specific standard, “VDA 305-100 Recommendation for Integration of Electric Parking Brakes Control into ESC Control Units”, that supports two different Original Equipment Supplier (OES) working in cooperation to develop the EPB system for the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). This work uses the VDA 305-100 Recommendation content as a base to provide some description of the most important integration items. The content is also based on the Automotive SPICE and ISO 26262. To conclude, this material presents the integrated project team and cooperation between other teams (OEM, Brake Assy OES, and ESC OES) to reinforce the importance of the synergy between all parties to achieve the objectives and fulfill the requirements optimizing time and resources. Working together to perform all alignments and troubleshooting to solve integration issues in a short time.
Meta TagsDetails
Dias, F., Minutti, C., and Menezes, F., "Vehicle System Integration (Electric Parking Brake)," SAE Technical Paper 2021-36-0414, 2022,
Additional Details
Feb 10, 2022
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Content Type
Technical Paper