Vehicle Surfaces: A Parking Lot PV Solar Energy Power Generation System



SAE 2009 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Automobiles, captive busses and other commercial vehicles remain parked in large unroofed parking lots associated with buildings, commuter parking, work places, residential and leisure related areas during great parts of the day. Covering vehicles with high efficiency photovoltaic (PV) flexible solar cell surfaces of approximately 120W so that the energy generated is injected into a network first at DC level and then converted into AC using inverters is a new philosophy. 1.2 MW approximated capacity installed in a >10,000 vehicles parking lot would be valuable in the short term and of prominent importance as PV solar panels customize to automotive applications and increase efficiency where no-roof parking lots form virtual PV solar parks. Advances in PV solar energy as well as structured low voltage 120/240V AC and DC distribution system, wireless power systems and distributed power generation allows the incorporation of this new application that relates to V2G-Vehicle to Grid. The Vehicle Surface Parking Lot PV Solar Energy Power Generation System should be considered in the automobile lifecycle and would be of interest for smart electric power generation, in order to supply energy requirements of lighting systems, ventilation systems and general building services; producing considerable savings. This paper reports on the conceptual design, components, operation, simulation and example conceptual calculation that includes the prospective energy cost benefits; as well as implementation and return of investment. Conclusions about the results obtained are also included.
Meta TagsDetails
Strauss, D., Fehr, R., and Cain, A., "Vehicle Surfaces: A Parking Lot PV Solar Energy Power Generation System," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2870, 2009,
Additional Details
Oct 6, 2009
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Content Type
Technical Paper