Today trucks account for close to half of the US passenger vehicle market. And customers expect more and more from their trucks in terms of comfort and convenience features. The key to developing Best-in-Class comfort and convenience attributes lies in applying Ergonomic principles to the vehicle interior design. Lear Corporation has recently studied 4 truck interiors in the Sport Utility Market Segment focusing on Ergonomic design issues. This paper will review the Sport Utility study results and make interior design recommendations. In this market, functionality is of primary importance to customers. Using random samples of truck owners, we have examined the functionality of door panels, consoles, controls, cupholders, cargo covers and the rear cargo area. Several factors ranging from reach criteria, tactile feel and usability through operating efforts and the motion required to operate the various features were examined. We found the limitations and strengths of some of these truck interior designs to be interesting and enlightening. Based on this work, Design Guidelines have been developed that provide Lear engineers with the tools they need to design truly User Friendly Trucks.