An investigation by Porsche into the requirements for ambulance
vehicles to be used in the next decade led to the development of
the SAVE system. The system consists of a 2.8 t transport vehicle
of almost arbitrary selection, an additional mechanical or
hydropneumatic cushioning system incorporated in the composite
construction, and a removable rescue compartment. This compartment
is compatible with the frame of any of the SAVE ambulances.
The paper first defines and evaluates the goals of the
investigation. Next are discussed individual attributes of the
vehicle: driving performance, driving safety, communication
including warning systems (e.g. sirens, lights), and passenger
safety and comfort.
The conflicting demands of patient care, safety of personnel,
and general traffic safety were uncoupled from each other by the
successful adaption of the salient features of the SAVE ambulance
(e.g., special cushioning system, removable rescue compartment).
This allows improvements to be made in each category. The result is
both an economic and humanitarian advance.