Unburned Hydro Carbon (HC) Estimation Using a Self-Tuned Heat Release Method
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- Content
- An estimation model which uses the gross heat release data and the fuel energy to estimate the total amount of emissions and unburned Hydro Carbon (HC) is developed. Gross heat release data is calculated from a self-tuned heat release method which uses in-cylinder pressure data for computing the energy released during combustion. The method takes all heat and mass losses into account. The method estimates the polytropic exponent and pressure offset during compression and expansion using a nonlinear least square method. Linear interpolation of polytropic exponent and pressure offset is then performed during combustion to calculate the gross heat release during combustion. Moreover the relations between the emissions specifically HC and Carbon Monoxide (CO) are investigated. The model was validated with experimental data and promising results were achieved.
- Pages
- 13
- Citation
- Kaiadi, M., Tunestal, P., and Johansson, B., "Unburned Hydro Carbon (HC) Estimation Using a Self-Tuned Heat Release Method," SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-2128, 2010, https://doi.org/10.4271/2010-01-2128.