THESE down-to-earth speculations by Mr. Bachman should help to clarify for all their picture of the truck of the future.
Mr. Bachman considers such a detailed but important item as increasing the overall width up to the rear fender top line to 102 in. from the 96-in. Figure now adhered to in all but two states for the maximum width at any point, but keeping the width of the cab at 96 in., because in traveling along the highway, the cab actually takes up several more inches, anyway. These extra inches across the fenders would allow improvements to be made in tire mounting, spring suspension, riding qualities, stability, and braking.
Other changes foreseen by Mr. Bachman include: increases in weight and horsepower, allowing for faster and more efficient transportation, especially on the first-class highways planned by the Federal government for connecting all large cities and most small ones; more comfortable cabs for the driver; and quieter operation.