Two wheeler 4-stroke small Engine with Kick Start requires longer spark duration along with better spark energy in order to burn the lean mixture and to have better Start ability, lower trigger start RPM is also important to enable ease of start. An effective Ignition System needs to be designed for the above purpose. Hence Transistor Controlled Ignition/Inductive Discharge System (TCI/IDI) unit is preferred which gives all the above mentioned requirements.
Normally any conventional TCI/IDI operated 4-stroke two wheelers will have D.C power line align with a Power Source for its operation. The 2 Wheeler Kick start version cannot afford the DC Power Source due to Cost, Hence the Electrical System will not have the DC Power Line. So it is not possible to operate a Conventional TCI/IDI system as it is DC Power based System. The challenge is to operate the TCI/IDI ignition unit without DC Power Source i.e. using AC Source.
In order to prove the above concept extensive data were collected on the charging pattern and power consumption during operation of various loads with existing charging system. Based on the collected data and customer usage pattern, appropriate power requirement characteristic graphs are obtained. Hence New TCI/IDI has been designed with longer Spark duration and Less Trigger Start RPM. Finally proto parts are developed as per the required power characteristic and then the system was tested on proto engines.
This new system* delivers the attributes of a TCI/IDI ignition unit required for a 4-stroke two wheeler engine without using a DC Power Source i.e. only Kick Start. This is having a huge impact on the reduction of Vehicle electrical system cost as DC Power Source is one of the major cost driver for any electrical system with IDI/TCI ignition unit for better performance. Hence it increases the effective efficiency than Conventional Ignition System designed for Kick Start based small Engines.