Transient Analysis of Squealing Mode Selection in Disc Brake
- Event
- Content
- Squeal noise is defined as noise at frequency upper than 400 Hz and occurs if the system has a very high amplitude mechanical vibration. All systems with sliding contact are prone to squeal: curve squeal noise of railway wheels, disc brake squeal, etc. It is well known that squeal phenomenon depends on the local kinematics in the contact patch. A multi-scale approach is proposed to identify the mode selection mechanism. Contact surfaces waves are initiated under pressure and sliding velocity conditions leading to self-excitation. Disc brake squeal is treated with this approach.
- Pages
- 6
- Citation
- Brunel, J., and Dufrénoy, P., "Transient Analysis of Squealing Mode Selection in Disc Brake," SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-2537, 2008,