Tool Based Calibration with the OBDmanager



SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
At the moment the documentation of failure inhibition matrices and the fault path management for different controller types and different vehicle projects are mainly maintained manually in individual Excel tables. This is not only time consuming but also gives a high potential for fault liability. In addition there is also no guarantee that the calibration of these failure inhibition matrices and its fault path really works.
Conflicting aims between costs, time and fault liability require a new approach for the calibration, documentation and testing of failure inhibition matrices and the complete Diagnostic System Management (DSM) calibration.
The standardization and harmonization of the Diagnostic System Management calibration for different calibration projects and derivates is the first step to reduce time and costs. Creating a master calibration for the conjoint fault paths and labels provides a significant reduction of efforts. The failure inhibition matrix and fault path documentation can be automated with a tool, which uses a data set and non calibratable ECU configurations to create a document that satisfies the authority requirements and contains an overview of the interdependences of all fault paths.
In order to accomplish this, the already established matrices can be used to create a master inhibition matrix that can then be compared with inhibition configurations in current calibration projects. The differences between the “Master Calibration” (MC) and a derivative calibration can be detected and visualized with the help of powerful comparison features. If necessary, recognized problems can be efficiently resolved and implemented into the derivative calibration either manually or automatically. Fault paths that do not exist in the “Master Calibration” can be found very quickly and than calibrated in a derivate specific manner.
Meta TagsDetails
Riener, M., Siebenbrunner, P., Beer, W., and Achten, J., "Tool Based Calibration with the OBDmanager," SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-0249, 2010,
Additional Details
Apr 12, 2010
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Paper