Technical Developments of Power Train of the F-SAEJ Championship Car Originally Developed by Osaka University Student Formula Team
- Event
- Content
- Osaka University Formula Racing Club (OFRAC) [1] won the first prize in the 8th Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan [2] organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE). The technical developments, especially on the power train system, acted very important roles for this winning. Three technical developments were introduced to meet the machine concept “Get more performance at corner exit.” They are; (1) Dry sump lubrication system to reduce the height of the center of gravity (C.G.), (2) Rotary throttle valve system to get more power and (3) Semi-automatic shift up assist system to reduce the loss of traction force during shifting up. In this paper, these unique technologies, which were originally student-developed, on the power train of our championship car, ‘OFRAC Naniwa-X,’ are focused [3].
- Pages
- 8
- Citation
- Okunishi, S., Izumi, K., Tokinoya, T., Kubori, T. et al., "Technical Developments of Power Train of the F-SAEJ Championship Car Originally Developed by Osaka University Student Formula Team," SAE Technical Paper 2011-32-0549, 2011,