Sustainable Storage & Transition from CNG to Hydrogen


To be published on 12/05/2024

11th SAEINDIA International Mobility Conference (SIIMC 2024)
Authors Abstract
As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, a sustainable transition from Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) to a hydrogen economy is necessary. Hydrogen is a clean and abundant fuel that has the potential to replace fossil fuels and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This paper explores the feasibility of a transition from CNG to a hydrogen economy and the challenges that need to be overcome. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of both CNG and hydrogen and compares the two fuels in terms of energy efficiency, infrastructure requirements and environmental impact. The paper also analyses the status of the hydrogen economy and the policies and incentives that government is implementing to promote its adoption, storage, dispensing and usage . Finally, the paper presents recommendations for a successful and sustainable transition from CNG to a hydrogen economy.
Meta TagsDetails
Vora, K., Parasumanna, A., and Shembekar, P., "Sustainable Storage & Transition from CNG to Hydrogen," SAE Technical Paper 2024-28-0128, 2024, .
Additional Details
To be published on Dec 5, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper