Steam Gasification and Reformation of Spacecraft Wastes
- Event
- Content
- A two-stage steam gasification and reforming process was evaluated for converting wastes generated within enclosed habitable environments into synthesis gas (CO & H2) and other recyclable inorganic species, i.e. water, CO2 and inorganic salts. Waste compounds used in the experimentation included: cellulose; urea; methionine; sucrose; butyric acid; Igepon TC-42 - a particularly (chemically) stable soap selected by NASA for use in space life support systems; wheat straw and a high density polyethylene. The compounds were tested individually and in combination to simulate the wastes anticipated within enclosed habitat environments.
- Pages
- 13
- Citation
- Couch, H., Birbara, P., and Grin, W., "Steam Gasification and Reformation of Spacecraft Wastes," SAE Technical Paper 972273, 1997,