Spring, Tire and Shock Absorber Testing Development



Pre-1964 SAE Technical Papers
Authors Abstract
UNTIL rather recently, this paper states, very little scientific knowledge existed in the service field with reference to the suspension-tires, springs and shock absorbers. The tires are the only element of which the operator has a fairly clear understanding; therefore they are the only element which receives intelligent attention. The shock absorbers receive some attention but not a great deal.
It is conceded that the motor-truck operators, large and small, know less about the suspension system than they do about any other important unit of the vehicle and that the reason for such lack of knowledge, is because no one knew much about it. Therefore, a little over three years ago, the author's organization decided it would endeavor to scientifically determine just what the possibilities were toward producing greater cushion in springs. Also to determine just what part the springs play in the suspension, and what part the tires and shock absorbers play.
Mr. Widney's paper shows just what happens to the three units of the suspension-tires, springs and shock absorbers on various vehicles, passenger cars, light, medium and heavy trucks, buses and taxi cabs. He shows that the suspension directly influences all maintenance costs, depreciation and accidents, as well as comfort, and that springs, tires and shock absorbers when new, vary as much as 60 per cent in their effectiveness on different vehicles. Also, that these three units depreciate in their effectiveness as a whole or separately, as much as 60 per cent, after a given period of service. Therefore, the suspension should have the same serious attention in service as motors, carburetors, ignition, etc.
Meta TagsDetails
Ward Widney, S., "Spring, Tire and Shock Absorber Testing Development," SAE Technical Paper 360107, 1936, https://doi.org/10.4271/360107.
Additional Details
Jan 1, 1936
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Paper