Smart Turn Signal Technology - Advancing Crash Prevention and Combating Distracted Driving with Control Algorithm Enhancements



SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Although some form of turn signals have been on vehicles since shortly after the invention of the automobile, the advancements and improvements in control of turn signals has stagnated for the last 70 years. The Smart Turn Signal adds little or no cost to the vehicle, and is a significant safety improvement that effects all aspects of driving- cars or trucks, day or night, during all seasons, rain or shine or snow, north or south, east or west, male or female, young or old, driver or passenger or pedestrian, city or highway. Smart Turn Signals are a vital link towards the goal of an intelligent transportation system that not only ensures that drivers use turn signals at all turns, but assures that the turn signal is appropriately shut off after each turn or lane change. The Smart Turn Signal also serves to combat distracted driving as well as road rage. The proper use of the turn signal is more important today than when the first flashing turn signals were installed on cars in the late 1930's. The use of a turn signal can no longer be “optional” from a driver. Our roadways are more crowded than ever and we should strive for nothing less than total accuracy such that a turn signal is “on” when it should be “on” and “off” when it should be “off”. Projected improvements in fuel economy and vehicle cost control dictate that future safety systems have high benefit to cost ratios like Smart Turn Signals that do not add weight or add components to the vehicle.
Meta TagsDetails
Ponziani, R., "Smart Turn Signal Technology - Advancing Crash Prevention and Combating Distracted Driving with Control Algorithm Enhancements," SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-0744, 2010,
Additional Details
Apr 12, 2010
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Content Type
Technical Paper