Smart Logistics Junction to Supervise the Material Handling Equipment Movements at The Intersection


To be published on 12/05/2024

11th SAEINDIA International Mobility Conference (SIIMC 2024)
Authors Abstract
This paper presents a work undertaken to simulate the logistics processes in the digital environment using a discrete event simulation software which involves the movements of the Material Handling Equipment [MHE]. MHE movements to the line side involves traffic, where the parts are transported from the supermarket area to the line side based on the part requirement list ordered from the line side. Due to the shared routes for the delivery, the traffic at the intersections is more and if the vehicle scheduling is not streamlined during any failure/stoppage of the vehicle, would result in the blocking of the vehicles causing line stoppage. This work outlines to develop a junction block in the digital environment using a discrete event driven approach where an optimal flow of the vehicles is maintained at the intersections. The Junction block is created based on the succeeding track occupancy level, thus the preceding MHE’s can overtake in case of any blockages based on the priority. The junction block dynamically updates the reorder point based on the delays due to traffic flow at the intersections and captures the traffic intensity level. This customized logic development of the junction block can be used across any simulation models as a library which involves the traffic flow thus optimizing the vehicle scheduling at the intersection of the routes which results in a significant reduction of modelling effort of the logics at the intersection.
Meta TagsDetails
Surendranath, S., Amasa, S., Kotegar, S., Venkataramana, S. et al., "Smart Logistics Junction to Supervise the Material Handling Equipment Movements at The Intersection," SAE Technical Paper 2024-28-0260, 2024, .
Additional Details
To be published on Dec 5, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper