Historically, assembly of large aerospace structures has always required large, heavy duty, expensive machines designed and built with (and for) high accuracy over the entire work envelope. Such large machines are also generally very complex and it is normally financially and physically impossible to build these machines with more than one spindle/assembly tool.
The presentation will present “use cases” utilizing a platformless design, to deliver high dynamics and accuracy while dramatically reducing cost and eliminating the restrictions of one spindle/assembly tool. Case studies will show the application of extreme mobility in combination with adapting technologies such as cross lasers, which can perform accurate agile assembly over very large areas without the use of accurate large expensive heavy duty structures. Additional discussions will address case-studies on the ability to use small agile modules that can perform
The Parallel Kinematic Machines (PKM) developed since 1985 by Karl-Erik Neumann, starting with the Tricept 600, continuing with the Tricept 605, 805, and 9000, and the new “balljointless” Exechon X300, X700, and X1100, ending up in the latest “platformless” XT300S, XT700S, and XT1100S, has always been striving to give aerospace manufacturer a solution that utilize the flexibility and cost benefits of articulated arm robots, the performance of CNC machines, as well as the efficiency of special machines.
Exechon was founded around this dream in 2004, and the first “balljointless” X700 machine saw daylight summer 2006, and since then the technology has been licensed out to twenty one (21) Manufacturer and Integrators worldwide.