Risk Assessment for Urban Logistics Operation of UA



SAE 2024 Intelligent Urban Air Mobility Symposium
Authors Abstract
In the context of insufficient international management experience, this study combines the current situation of Chinese aviation and the characteristics of unmanned aircraft (UA) operation, adopts the specific operations risk assessment (SORA) method, and conducts in-depth research on the trial operation risks of UA in urban low-altitude logistics scenarios, conducting effective evaluations and project practices. This study starts from two dimensions of ground risk and air risk, determines the boundaries required for safe operation of UA, and improves the robustness level of UA operation through ground risk mitigation measures and air risk mitigation measures. At the same time, a series of compliance verification methods are provided to meet 24 operational safety objectives (OSO) (including design characteristics, operational limitations, performance standards, safety characteristics, communication requirements, emergency response plans, etc.), ensuring that UA operation does not pose unacceptable risks to personnel, property, or the environment.In addition, the results of this study provide an evaluation tool for regulatory agencies, operators, and relevant third parties to determine the confidence level of low-altitude operation of UA in cities, evaluate the possibility of safe operation, and provide scientific basis for the healthy development of the UA industry.
This study selects Shenzhen, a typical urban residential environment, to carry out a beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) UA logistics project. Through the operation practice of fixed routes, valuable experience and data have been accumulated. Not only did it directly test the operational capability of UA in complex urban airspace, but it also explored service modes for safe and effective integration in high population density areas. Through the practical experience of urban logistics UA risk assessment projects, this study help operators comprehensively examine the trial operation model, accurately identify key risk factors, better understand and manage potential risks, and fundamentally improve operational safety. At the same time, the application of assessment methods also assists regulatory agencies in formulating scientific and reasonable regulatory policies, balancing the safe operation of UA and the development of low-altitude economy, providing reference cases for urban air traffic management.
Meta TagsDetails
Li, L., Liu, W., and Fu, J., "Risk Assessment for Urban Logistics Operation of UA," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-7017, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-7017.
Additional Details
Nov 15, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper