The Partnership for a New Generation Vehicle (PNGV) is in the midst of narrowing technology options for our new generation of automobiles, and one technology which has appeal to the major auto-makers is the use of advanced compression-ignition engines. Ford has announced that the Synergy 2010 concept car (new version of Ford Taurus) would have a 20 1 compression-ratio, compression-ignition engine with preferred fuels including gasoline, diesel, and methanol. At these conditions, cetane improvers are necessary for the optimal performance of methanol and gasoline. In general, cetane improver technology has an important role in PNGV fuels, cleaner burning diesel, and current premium diesel markets.
This paper reviews published data on cetane improvers including nitrates, peroxides, amines, and soluble metal-based catalysis. In addition, methods relating cetane numbers, blending cetane numbers, and ignition delay times are reviewed.