Research and Development on the Modular Dummy Model



SIAT 2009
Authors Abstract
The modular dummy model is a new concept to represent a crash dummy in computer simulation. The modular dummy model could be a solution with combination of acceptable responses and quick run times. The approach of the modular dummy model is to take an existing standard model and create rigid modules of all major dummy components (Head, Thorax, Pelvis, Femurs, Tibias, Feet, etc.), which are fully interchangeable between deformable and rigid modules. The special run time efficient component models for the neck and lumbar spine are also developed for the modular dummy.
Mass and inertial properties of each rigid module are derived from the corresponding deformable part. The joint and connection definitions are shared between the rigid and deformable modules. The users only need to decide and select which modules should be used in order to achieve the best compromise between CPU time and accuracy for the specific application.
The performance of the modular dummy has been verified with several typical scenario tests. The biggest reduction in CPU time was found in the Thorax pendulum case, which had one deformable module. A significant reduction of CPU time was also achieved with the sled test although it had more deformable modules and detailed environment. A Hybrid III 50th dummy has been developed as the virtual modular dummy from this paper.
In conclusion, the highest benefit can be achieved for less detailed environment models. The CPU time can be reduced significantly by a specific selection of rigid and deformable modules. It will be a new direction for computer simulation of the crash dummy.
Meta TagsDetails
ZHU, F., ZHU, J., and Thiruvasagan, S., "Research and Development on the Modular Dummy Model," SAE Technical Paper 2009-26-0056, 2009,
Additional Details
Jan 21, 2009
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Content Type
Technical Paper