Research on Application and Testing of Autonomous Driving in Ports



3rd International Forum on Connected Automated Vehicle Highway System through the China Highway & Transportation Society
Authors Abstract
The inherent attributes of production tools for commercial vehicle determine that have more needs and applicability for autonomous driving technology. The port is one of the three core scenarios for application of autonomous driving of commercial vehicle. Port transportation is regarded as an important aspect of commercial vehicle autonomous driving applications by governments, enterprises and port managers [1]. Currently port autonomous driving applications have a good policy environment and market environment. First of all, this paper introduces the main types and distribution patterns of port autonomous driving applications by analysis its current status both at home and abroad. Secondly, through the characteristic analysis of each application mode, IGV mode is determined to be the first choice for smart port reconstruction due to its advantages of time-consuming and low-cost based on the comparison of the current application modes. Further, the key technology, system architecture and working principle of IGV mode is introduced. Based on the working principle of the IGV model, the operating conditions and the tasks in the port, sixteen basic test scenarios including autonomous parking, traffic environment recognition and human-computer interaction are obtained. Finally, the actual operation of IGV mode in Tianjin port is introduced. Port autonomous driving technology may effectively improve port plane transportation in terms of energy, economy and security in actual operation and the IGV mode transformation based on electric trucks can achieve greater benefits. These are of great significance to the selection of smart port transformation plans, the formulation of port autonomous driving test standards, and the development of future routes for port autonomous driving.
Meta TagsDetails
Qin, K., Wang, B., Zhang, H., Ma, W. et al., "Research on Application and Testing of Autonomous Driving in Ports," SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-5179, 2020,
Additional Details
Dec 30, 2020
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Technical Paper