Reliability Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Response Surface Methods
- Event
- Content
- An accurate and efficient Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method is developed in this paper for limit state-based reliability analysis, especially at system levels, by using a response surface approximation of the failure indicator function. The Moving Least Squares (MLS) method is used to construct the response surface of the indicator function, along with an Optimum Symmetric Latin Hypercube (OSLH) as the sampling technique. Similar to MCS, the proposed method can easily handle implicit, highly nonlinear limit-state functions, with variables of any statistical distributions and correlations. However, the efficiency of MCS can be greatly improved. The method appears to be particularly efficient for multiple limit state and multiple design point problem. A mathematical example and a practical example are used to highlight the superior accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method over traditional reliability methods.
- Pages
- 10
- Citation
- Zou, T., Mourelatos, Z., and Mahadevan, S., "Reliability Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Response Surface Methods," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0431, 2004,