It is commonly adopted by automotive companies the use of the Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) system to develop new control strategies in order to reduce the effort and the cost of the testing phase. In this work, the authors present their experience in applying a RCP application to test the multiple injections on a turbocharged spark ignition engine equipped with Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) and Port Fuel Injection (PFI). The experimental activity has been conducted to observe the effects of varying the injections number and timing on engine fuel consumption and smoke emissions.
To this aim, a properly designed hardware configuration has been adopted to by-pass the portion of code of the on-board Electronic Control Unit (ECU) dedicated to command the injectors. The proposed by-pass system is obtained connecting a dSpace MicroAutoBox ECU, running the multi-injection strategy, both to the on-board commercial ECU and to the injectors. The connection is realized by means of the dSpace RapidPro hardware, performing the correct signals conditioning necessary to drive actuators and sensors. The MicroAutoBox ECU receives by the commercial ECU the quantity of fuel to be injected in the next engine cycle for each cylinder, and provides this quantity of fuel through multiple injections.
Experimental data are then collected by a 1.4 liter Fiat turbocharged spark ignition engine equipped with Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) and PFI. The experiments are performed at constant engine speed and several steady state points are analyzed. Data have shown that NOx production is not influenced by the injections number, unburned hydrocarbons are only slightly reduced, while a significant soot reduction is obtained varying the engine phasing.