The weight-saving requirement for automobiles has become more important since the increase in the environmental issues. Previously, in order to produce a lighter engine, an aluminum block with cast-iron liners and a hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy block has been developed as an alternatives to cast- iron blocks.
In a new approach, we developed a new aluminum engine block which has the cylinder bore surface reinforced with short hybrid fibers of alumina and carbon, to achieve a further weight reduction.
A previous paper, SAE
890557, dealt with the characteristics of the metal matrix composite (MMC), the MMC engine block's technical advantages and outlined the production technology.
The most important factor in the application of composite materials for mass-produced parts is the development of the appropriate technology, which ensure stable quality and high production efficiency.
As a supplement to the previous report, this paper discribes new technologies adopted to each stage of the production process that was necessary to achieve mass production of the MMC engine block.