COMPARISONS are drawn, in this paper, between engine supercharger and cabin supercharger flow-control problems. Some new methods of obtaining efficient flow control are discussed. Interdependent factors existing between flow control and impeller speed control must be recognized.
It is pointed out that design features in the supercharger should be correlated closely with the type of control applied.
Effects arising from the connection of superchargers to receivers of large volume are presented. Necessity for regulation of flow, pressure, and rate of pressure change in pressure cabins requires the solution of numerous new problems. The advantage of simultaneous design of the supercharger and controls, and the desirability of integral supercharger and control units, are stressed. It has been necessary to overcome many mechanical problems in order to produce units of a type suited for pressure cabin operation. Typical control constructions are described.
Aircraft manufacturing concerns are now extensively involved in contributing to the supercharger art. Trends in engine superchargers and in engine supercharger controls will be stimulated by developments in the field of cabin supercharging. Recognition of the paramount importance of engine superchargers in high-altitude flight and the prospects for considerable performance gains encourage the exercise of an aggressive design attitude in the production of new features for superchargers.