Preparation of Copper Antimony Sulfide Thin Film Solar Cells by Chemical Synthesis



Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25)
Authors Abstract
Copper Antimony Sulfide (CuSbS2) is a promising ternary semiconductor for use as an absorber layer in third-generation thin film heterojunction solar cells. This newly developed optoelectronic material offers a viable alternative to cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium di-selenide (Cu(In,Ga)Se2) due to its composition of inexpensive, readily available, and non-toxic elements. These films were successfully produced at an optimal substrate temperature of 533 K using the conventional spray technique. X-ray diffraction and Raman studies confirm that the films exhibit a chalcostibite structure. Characterization studies reveal that the films possess lattice parameters of a = 0.60 nm, b = 0.38 nm, and c = 1.45 nm, with an absorption coefficient of 105 cm-1 and a band gap of 1.50 eV. Notably, the films exhibit p-type conductivity. All of these studies confirm that CuSbS2 is an excellent choice for the absorber layer in solar cell applications. An attempt was made in this study to improve the crystallinity of the CuSbS2 films by different experimental conditions. (i) CuSbS2 films have been fabricated using two different carrier gases (air and nitrogen) via chemical spray pyrolytic technique. (ii) To enhance the crystallinity of these films, spray pyrolytic films have been kept on the hot plate at optimal substrate temperature for about 15 minutes. Subsequently, a CuSbS2 solar cell is developed entirely through the non-vacuum method. The absorber layer is fabricated by using the spray pyrolytic method. A n-CdS buffer layer is successfully deposited via the chemical bath technique. The cell’s efficiency increased from 0.488% to 0.54% when the absorber layer in the solar cell was left on hot substrates for about 15 minutes following the pyrolytic reaction. The study discusses how these techniques contribute to improving the efficiency of the solar cell parameters.
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Kumar, Y., Yb, K., Tarigonda, H., and Reddy M, S., "Preparation of Copper Antimony Sulfide Thin Film Solar Cells by Chemical Synthesis," SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0117, 2025,
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Feb 07
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Technical Paper