Power-to-X (PtX) Technologies and their Potential Role in the Transition towards a Fossil-Free Energy Future: A Review of eFuels Synthesis and Direct Air Capture (DAC) Technology



International Conference on Automotive Materials and Manufacturing AMM 2023
Authors Abstract
Climate change and its detrimental effects on the environment have led to an urgent need for a transition toward a fossil-free energy future. To achieve this goal, renewable energy sources, especially hydrogen, will play a crucial role. However, to make them more viable, various sectors like Power, Industrial, Mobility, etc., are looking for ways to store and transport the energy generated from hydrogen. The advancement of Power-to-X (PtX) technologies has caught attention, as it offers a solution for converting renewable energy into chemical or fuel forms that can be used in various applications and overcome the problem of storage associated with hydrogen. This concept is being looked at as a potential game-changer in the energy sector. This review focuses on two key areas within the Power-to-X (PtX) technology that holds significant potential for transitioning towards a fossil-free energy future: eFuels synthesis and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology. efuels provide an opportunity for nations to increase energy independency or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supplying energy-dense fuels which are miscible with conventional fossil fuels. DAC technology, on the other hand, captures Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and converts it into efuels. By reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, DAC technology can help to slow the effects of climate change. Overall, both eFuels synthesis and DAC technology have the potential to play a vital role in the transition toward a fossil-free energy future. They offer solutions to both stationary and mobile applications while also making a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, thereby helping to alleviate the impacts of climate change. In this paper, we intend to provide a summary on efuels synthesis, DAC, and their impact on the existing energy equipment.
Meta TagsDetails
Sankhe, S., Krishna, S., JUTURU, R., and Subrahmanyam, C., "Power-to-X (PtX) Technologies and their Potential Role in the Transition towards a Fossil-Free Energy Future: A Review of eFuels Synthesis and Direct Air Capture (DAC) Technology," SAE Technical Paper 2023-28-1333, 2023, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-28-1333.
Additional Details
May 25, 2023
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Content Type
Technical Paper