Driven by diesel engine emission regulation, more emission aftertretment products have been under development by Tenneco to address the Particular Matter (PM) and NOx reduction needs. The T.R.U.E. (Thermal Regeneration Unit for Exhaust) Clean active thermal management system is one of the examples to reduce PM. The system is designed to increase exhaust temperatures for DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) regeneration. This product is exposed to high temperature and high oxidation. Therefore, thermal fatigue, creep, oxidation and the interaction become critical mechanism to be considered for its durability. One of the key challenges to validate this product is to find a way of accelerated testing for thermal, creep, and oxidation as well as for vibration.
In this paper, accelerated durability test strategy for high temperature device like T.R.U.E Clean is addressed. High temperature induced oxidation, creep, and larger deformation become dominant factors of device durability, which includes nonlinear physical mechanisms and mathematical models. To validate the product, potential failure modes have to be understood. An accelerated test strategy is also necessary to validate the design within development cycle to satisfy customer and market's requirements. Thus, modeling for potential failure modes such as fatigue, creep, oxidation, and their combination are introduced. Accelerated test strategy is proposed based on potential failure mode analyses. The design guidelines are also provided to reduce potential failures.