Brake drum in commercial vehicles is very important aggregate contributing towards major weight in brake system module. The main function of brake drum is to dissipate kinetic energy of vehicle into thermal energy, as a results in braking operation major load comes on brake drum. Hence this is very critical component for vehicle safety and stability [1].
Objective of this paper is to increase the pay load, which is utmost important parameter for commercial vehicle end customers. To achieve the light weighing target, alternate materials such as Spheroidal graphite iron (SGI) has been evaluated for development of brake drum. Many critical parameters in terms of reliability, safety and durability, thickness of hub, wheel loading, heat generation on drum, manufacturing and assembly process are taken into consideration. The sensitivity of these parameters is studied for optimum design, could be chosen complying each other’s values.
Digital thermal performance evaluated in house, fine-tuned and verified by correlating with test data available for existing cast iron design and then applied for new design with alternate materials. In two different designs around 10 Kgs weight saving per brake drum has been achieved as compared to conventional grey cast iron brake drum. Considering the most demanding 10x2 haulage platform in current commercial market approximately 100 Kgs payload increment for fleet owners was achieved, which will result in end customer profitability.