Performance Evaluation of a Novel Sampling and Measurement System for Exhaust Particle Characterization



SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
This paper presents a novel partial flow sampling system for the characterization of airborne exhaust particle emissions. The sampled aerosol is first conditioned in a porous dilutor and then subsequent ejector dilutors are used to decrease its concentration to the range of the instrumentation used. First we examine the sensitivity of aerosol properties to boundary sampling conditions. This information is then used to select suitable sampling parameters to distinguish both the nucleation and the accumulation mode. Selecting appropriate sampling parameters, it is demonstrated that a distinct nucleation mode can be formed and measured with different instruments. Using these parameters we examine the performance of the system over transient vehicle operation. Additionally, we performed calculations of particle losses in the various components of the system which are then used to correct signals from the instruments. Several quality characteristics are then discussed, such as the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements and the potential to derive total emission rate with a partial flow sampling system. Comparisons in different laboratories show that repeatability (intra-laboratory variability) is in the order of 10% for accumulation mode particles and 50% for nucleation mode ones. Reproducibility (inter-laboratory variability) values are in the range of ±20-30%. Finally, we compared laboratory size distributions with ambient samples obtained chasing a vehicle. This demonstrated that the sampling system accurately reproduced the accumulation mode particles as well as the potential for nucleation mode formation. This sampling system has been used in the framework of a European project for measurement of emissions of a number of light duty vehicles and heavy duty engines.
Meta TagsDetails
Ntziachristos, L., Giechaskiel, B., Pistikopoulos, P., Samaras, Z. et al., "Performance Evaluation of a Novel Sampling and Measurement System for Exhaust Particle Characterization," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-1439, 2004,
Additional Details
Mar 8, 2004
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Paper