Panel Contribution Study: Results, Correlation and Optimal Bead Pattern for Powertrain Noise Reduction
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- To understand how the passenger compartment cavity interacts with the surrounding panels (roof, windshield, dash panel, etc) a numerical panel contribution analysis was performed using FEA and BEA techniques. An experimental panel contribution analysis was conducted by Reiter Automotive Systems. Test results showed good correlation with the simulation results.After gaining some insight into panel contributions for power train noise, an attempt was made to introduce beads in panels to reduce vibration levels. A fully trimmed body structural-acoustic FEA model was used in this analysis. A network of massless beam elements was created in the model. This full structural-acoustic FEA model was then used to determine the optimal location for the beads, using the added beams as optimization variables.
- Pages
- 5
- Citation
- Nachimuthu, A., Camago, K., and Haste, F., "Panel Contribution Study: Results, Correlation and Optimal Bead Pattern for Powertrain Noise Reduction," SAE Technical Paper 971953, 1997,