The Brazilian National Program for Motor Vehicle Pollution Control (PROCONVE) was created in 1986, following USA legislation, including FTP-75 dynamometer driving cycle. This program is going on with success in the reduction of emission limits through the years aiming the improvement of air quality in Brazilian big cities. Since January 2009, PROCONVE phase L-5 establishes emission limits for new light-duty vehicles sold in the country, including: NMHC (Non Methane Hydrocarbons), CO, NOx and Total Aldehyde (Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde). Next PROCONVE phase, L-6 that will start in 2014, will not include limits for NMOG (Non Methane Organic Gases), which is legislated in USA Tier 2, a relevant emission parameter in terms of ozone production. For the L-6 will be available in the country, a 50 ppm low-sulfur gasoline for vehicle emission homologation, similar to a USEPA standard gasoline. Future PROCONVE phase L-7 is not established yet, but according to a presentation of CETESB (Sao Paulo State Environmental Agency), NMOG limits can be included and will have emission limits similar to USA Tier 2 Bin 5 category. This paper will discuss details of Brazilian fuels and emission legislation, including standard fuel specifications of gasoline, ethanol and compressed natural gas for emission homologation of Brazilian cars, including Flexible Fuel ones. It will also present a brief overview of a new method for vehicle rating (green rating) according to some emission pollutants and CO₂ levels.