Optimization of Output Responses in Electrical Discharge Machining of Al6063 Alloy Composites with Silicon Carbide and Fly Ash



Automotive Technical Papers
Authors Abstract
In the highly demanding domain of advanced technologies, Wire Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) has distinguished itself as one of the most promising methods for the efficient machining of sophisticated composite materials. As a critical advanced machining process, EDM caters to the stringent requirements for intricate geometries and effective material removal. This study focuses on Al6063 Alloy Composites reinforced with Silicon Carbide and Fly Ash, materials celebrated for their high strength, exceptional oxidation-corrosion resistance, and high-temperature performance. These composites are widely applied across aerospace, marine, automotive industries, nuclear power, and oilfield sectors. The current research involves a rigorous experimental analysis and parametric optimization of the aluminum matrix composite utilizing EDM. The primary objective is to fine-tune the process parameters, including pulse-off time, current, and taper angle. The experiments were designed and conducted using Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array to ascertain the optimal parametric settings for critical responses such as Surface Roughness (SR) and Material Removal Rate (MRR). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results reveal that pulse-off time exerts the most significant influence on MRR, followed by current and taper angle. While pulse-off time also has the greatest effect on SR, followed by taper angle and current. The developed regression models and optimized parameter values for workpieces with various taper angles of Al6063 composite can be effectively applied in the industry to boost productivity and achieve superior performance outcomes.
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Sivaram Kotha, M., Chinta, A., Guru Dattatreya, G., Lava Kumar, M. et al., "Optimization of Output Responses in Electrical Discharge Machining of Al6063 Alloy Composites with Silicon Carbide and Fly Ash," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-5252, 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-5252.
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Jan 28
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Technical Paper