Optimal Design Strategies for Different Hybrid Powertrain Configurations Assessed with European Drive Cycles
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- Content
- The quality of the powertrain design has a significant impact on the fuel consumption and emissions of hybrid vehicles. Lack of experience with these relatively new technologies, the enormous variety of hybrid powertrain configurations, and the multitude of components make this area an ideal application for computer-based modeling and optimizations. Global optimization techniques have the advantage to explore systematically the design space to find the optimal configuration space. In this paper, a systematic procedure for an optimal design of hybrid powertrain configurations using an evolutionary algorithm is proposed. It will be shown that the design steps for parallel and power-split configurations are quite similar. This results in a computing approach with high synergy effects and the ability to exchange components seamless to compare different ‘virtual’ configurations.
- Pages
- 21
- Citation
- Boehme, T., Becker, B., Ruben-Weck, M., Rothschuh, M. et al., "Optimal Design Strategies for Different Hybrid Powertrain Configurations Assessed with European Drive Cycles," SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-1751, 2013, https://doi.org/10.4271/2013-01-1751.