About 27 million persons, or ½ of our total adult population, are enrolled in some form of adult education. Such education, continuing through years of maturity, engenders tolerance toward others and makes possible individual fulfillment. These are the only two forces that can successfully combat the spirit of hostility between countries, political, social or economic groups.
In engineering especially, the age limit in education has been raised. The Engineering Council for Professional Development, in its minimum definition of an engineer, specifies not less than four years after graduation from an approved engineering school as the minimum time in which a young engineer can be expected to reach full professional status. Along with the increased emphasis on the post college training of engineers has occurred a change in engineering colleges themselves. Engineering colleges are dropping specialized and purely informational courses in favor of fundamental and the development of the ability to observe, analyze and reason.
Professional societies are performing the task of adult education in the field of engineering. The Society of Automotive Engineers may be cited as an example. The majority of its 6,000 members are general or chief engineering executives, or production, design or research engineers. They represent about 2,000 companies in the aircraft, automotive and automotive parts and material fields.
The S. A. E. in 1938 held 12 national meetings which drew a total registered attendance of about 5,000. Meetings of 22 sections during the year were attended by 25,000 members and guests. Specialized interests such as research and standardization are dealt with in committee meetings. Membership on S. A. E. Research Committees totals 1,050. Subjects dealt with include aircraft engine lubricants, crankcase as oil oiliness, crankcase oil stability, extreme pressure lubricants, fuel, highways, ignition and riding comfort.