Objective and Perceptual Sound Quality Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicles



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
The sound quality of automotive interiors is one of the critical factors regarding customer satisfaction. As electric vehicles (EVs) rapidly rise in popularity, the known literature on sound qualities of internal combustion engine (ICE) automotive interiors has become less relevant. Because of this, comparing and contrasting 'the sound qualities of EV and ICE vehicles is essential to have the proper foundation for studying automotive noise quality in the future. In this paper, we aim to benchmark the major differences between an EV and an ICE automobile regarding interior sound quality. This study seeks to understand basic sound engineering characteristics and how they differ between the two types of vehicles. We also analyzed the public's preferences when it comes to the two types of cars. To get as much data as possible in our time-constrained project, we tested both types of vehicles in two different environments: an uncontrolled road (Bluff Street in Flint, MI) and a controlled track (the GM Mobility Research Center - MRC - at Kettering University). We also tested three different positions in the car, including the driver's seat, passenger seat, and rear middle seat position. The interior sound was then recorded using the SQobold sound acquisition device and the HEAD acoustics Aachen HEAD as the microphone. Three recordings of every type of test were taken in order to confirm consistent and accurate results. We then compared and contrasted the data in Artemis SUITETM, a sound analysis software. We determined the major differences between the cars, particularly in loudness and sharpness. The final step was jury testing, in which the subjective samples compare well with our conclusions regarding sound quality metrics.
Meta TagsDetails
Dao, D., Baldwin, I., McGuire, A., Bray, W. et al., "Objective and Perceptual Sound Quality Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicles," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2716, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-2716.
Additional Details
Apr 9, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper