The OBD System Development Database - a Solution for Knowledge Management and Tool Supported Control System Design and Calibration



SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The correct information about legal demands of the On-Board-Diagnostic (OBD) system in a vehicle project is required throughout the entire development process. Usually, the main obstacle in succeeding is to provide the company's expertise of some few experts for all employees who work in OBD related projects.
The paper describes the AVL solution for knowledge management and tool supported control system design and calibration: OBD System Development Database.
The software enables the user to access the regulatory requirements for a specific application and legislation from past, present and future (proposed rule-making) point of view. Information concerning already available and stored monitoring concepts is linked to the requirements in order to re-use potentially suitable concepts and to enable an efficient knowledge exchange within the company. Also, various reporting functionalities are implemented, for example the listing and comparison of legal requirements and monitoring concepts.
The software tool consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) and a complex database design. The GUI is based on state-of-the-art technology (WPF controls) and provides user-friendly functionalities, such as generally known data grid views and bookmarking plug-ins, which easily link requirements to relevant documents. The implemented database allows a flexible and extendable structuring.
The OBD System Development Database describes a new methodology, which comprises the idea of knowledge management and handling of project complexity. It is able to store and provide OBD legislation requirements for all applications and for all countries that an automotive OEM or supplier is developing for.
Meta TagsDetails
Kolar, A., Cerna, R., Hofegger, W., Pichler, C. et al., "The OBD System Development Database - a Solution for Knowledge Management and Tool Supported Control System Design and Calibration," SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-1171, 2014,
Additional Details
Apr 1, 2014
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Content Type
Technical Paper