Numerical Study of Combustion Processes and Pollutant Formation in HSDI Diesel Engines
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- Content
- The Representative Interactive Flamelet(RIF) concept has been applied to numerically simulate the combustion processes and pollutant formation in the direct injection diesel engine. Due to the ability for interactively describing the transient behaviors of local flame structures with CFD solver, the RIF concept has the capabilities to predict the auto-ignition and subsequent flame propagation in the diesel engine combustion chamber as well as to effectively account for the detailed mechanisms of soot and NOx formation. In order to account for the spatial inhomogeneity of the scalar dissipation rate, the Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model using the multiple flamelets has been employed. Special emphasis is given to the turbulent combustion model which properly accounts for vaporization effects on turbulence-chemistry interaction. The results of numerical modeling using the RIF concept are compared with experimental data and with numerical results of the commonly applied procedure which the low-temperature and high-temperature oxidation processes are represented by the Shell ignition model and the eddy dissipation model, respectively. Numerical results indicate that the RIF approach including the vaporization effect on turbulent spray combustion process successfully predicts the ignition delay characteristics as well as the pollutant formation.
- Pages
- 12
- Citation
- Kim, H., Heo, N., Kim, Y., Lee, J. et al., "Numerical Study of Combustion Processes and Pollutant Formation in HSDI Diesel Engines," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0126, 2004,