The simulation of the fluid dynamics in internal combustion engines has become more important in the past few years for research, development and design of that equipment. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology is able to analyze the fluid flow in regions the experimental technology cannot afford to. Using a single cylinder research engine, the calculation can be validated from in-cylinder pressure and temperature measurements, also with velocity fields and the related variables.
This paper presents the evaluation of the numerical results for tumble and swirl coefficient on internal combustion engines along with its validation. The commercial code STAR-CD, with the ES-ICE module, specific for internal combustion engine, was used for the CFD calculation. Grid independence studies in space and time has been made for reliability of the results.
The results show a motor optimized for the tumble and swirl coefficients having its maximum values around the spark time, thus it would tend to increase the flame propagation speed in an operating engine. As a consequence, it would increase the combustion and the thermal efficiency. The validation procedure uses a single cylinder research engine for comparison of the results for pressure and temperature and shows good agreement between numerical and experimental data.