Novel Stainless Steel Substitutes Aerospace Titanium Alloys


To be published on 04/25/2025

AeroTech Conference & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Titanium is a critical production material for the aerospace and defense industries, and in recent years many aerospace companies have been suffering from titanium shortage in the world market. To find a long-term solution for that problem, AMD Corp. proposes a new material - Novel stainless steel - as a low-cost substitution of the high strength titanium alloys commonly used in the aerospace. The steel possesses the same or higher specific strength (a ratio of strength to density) compared to the specific strength of the commercial Ti-6Al-4V alloy at the same ductility, toughness. Corrosion resistance of Novel stainless steel approaches the corrosion resistance of 15-5PH grade. Novel stainless steel can be utilized for high-temperature (>500℃) applications, while Ti-6Al-4V alloy is limited to <500℃. Another advantage of HSCR steel is better workability and machinability compared to the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Utilizing the Novel stainless steel offers the following benefits: • Reduces dependency of aerospace companies on the few available titanium suppliers in the world market • Reduces demand and indirectly affects the cost of titanium in the world market • Lowers production cost of aerospace components by reducing the cost of the raw material and lowering the cost of manufacturing. Novel Stainless Steel has been in development over the past decade, and the following results have been achieved: • Granted US patents • Manufactured and tested Novel material • Global aerospace companies have expressed interest in the commercialized Novel material. Samples of Novel stainless steel has been produced as forged bars as well as powder for hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and additive manufacturing (AM). Implementation of the Novel material is underway.
Meta TagsDetails
Vartanov, G., "Novel Stainless Steel Substitutes Aerospace Titanium Alloys," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-0167, 2025, .
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To be published on Apr 25, 2025
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Technical Paper