Novel Additive for Particulate Trap Regeneration
- Event
- Content
- One of the most promising ways to insure the periodic regeneration of a particulate trap, consists of additising the fuel with organo-metallic compounds. The present paper deals with a novel alkali product, able to promote natural regenerations, for exhaust temperatures as low as 200 °C, and treatment rates as low as 5 ppm metal. Tests have been carried out on a soot reactor and on an engine bench, with various trap locations in the exhaust, showing that the regeneration occurrence depends on temperature, soot mass loaded inside the porous structure and engine conditions. A complete trap cleaning still needs gas temperatures up to 400 °C, which can be encountered for high load conditions of the engine.
- Pages
- 13
- Citation
- Dementhon, J., Martin, B., Richards, P., Rush, M. et al., "Novel Additive for Particulate Trap Regeneration," SAE Technical Paper 952355, 1995,