New Concept for Creating a Vehicle Hybrid Power Units



SAE Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting
Authors Abstract
The article considers the actual problem of vehicles fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness increasing. This problem is solved by developing of a new type of hybrid power unit. A feature of this development is that such a hybrid power unit can be implemented in the budget segment of cars. As a result of the study, conceptual solutions for creating a hybrid power unit were developed. The concept is based on the following theoretical provisions. The most economical speed of the hybrid vehicle in the "only electricity" mode lies in the range from 0 m / s to 16 m / s. The further set of speed and movement is advisable to carry out on an internal combustion engine. Mileage in the "only electricity" mode can be in the range from 20 km to 50 km, depending on the energy consumption of the battery. This distance can be chosen by the buyer of the hybrid vehicle depending on the estimated average daily mileage and the cost of the batteries. Traction batteries are charged in three cases. First, from an external source of electrical energy (charging station). Second, from the generator set of an internal combustion engine. Third, due to the recuperation of the braking energy of the car. To confirm the theoretical principles of the concept there has been developed and designed a traction electric drive which is built into the existing power plant of the ZAZ Lanos Pickup. Tests of the hybrid car in real operating conditions have confirmed the adequacy of the concept. The results of the study eliminate a number of unresolved problems and shortcomings of existing hybrid power units. At the same time, reliability, fuel efficiency, environmental friendliness are increased, the assembly scheme of the hybrid transmission is simplified, so its cost is reduced.
Meta TagsDetails
Smirnov, O., Borysenko, A., Marchenko, A., Gritsuk, I. et al., "New Concept for Creating a Vehicle Hybrid Power Units," SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-2248, 2020,
Additional Details
Sep 15, 2020
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Content Type
Technical Paper