Modeling, Simulation and Hardware in the Loop Test of PEM Electrolysis System



SAE 2024 Vehicle Powertrain Diversification Technology Forum
Authors Abstract
PEM electrolysis system has characteristic of excellent performance such as fast response, high electrolysis efficiency, compact design and wide adjustable power range. It provides a sustainable solution for the production of hydrogen, and is well suited to couple with renewable energy sources. In the development process of PEM electrolysis controller, this article originally applied the V-mode development process, including simulation modeling, RCP testing, and HIL testing, which can provide guidance in the practical application of electrolytic hydrogen production. In this paper, we present modeling and simulation study of PEM water electrolysis system. Model of electrolytic cell, hydrogen production subsystem and thermal management subsystem are constructed in Matlab/Simulink. Controller model was designed based on PI control strategy. A rapid prototyping controller with MPC5744 chip was used to develop the control system of electrolytic hydrogen production system. Hardware in the loop test system is designed with PXI hardware and NI VeriStand software. The simulation results indicate that the working current density is 1.0 Acm-2, at 25°C and 55°C, the electrolytic voltage of PEM electrolytic cell is 2.0093V and 2.06218V, respectively, and the electrolytic efficiency is 74.25% and 72.35% relative to the thermal neutral voltage of 1.492V. Performance simulation of electrolytic hydrogen production system and hardware in the loop testing of the controller were completed on this development platform. Practical applications have shown that this model based development platform can greatly improve development efficiency. It is applied to the development process of PEM electrolysis controllers to accelerate development speed and efficiency, and has certain engineering significance.
Meta TagsDetails
Hua, Y., Jin, Z., Tian, Y., and Tao, Y., "Modeling, Simulation and Hardware in the Loop Test of PEM Electrolysis System," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-7097, 2025,
Additional Details
Jan 31
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Technical Paper