Modeling Dynamic Stiffness of Rubber Isolators
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- Content
- Rubber isolators and bushings are very important components for vehicle performance. However, one often finds it is difficult to get the dynamic properties to be readily used in CAE analysis, either from suppliers or from OEM's own test labs. In this paper, the author provides an analytical method to obtain the dynamic stiffness of an exhaust isolator, using ABAQUS and iSight, with tested or targeted isolator static stiffness information. The analysis contains two steps. The first step is to select the (rubber/EPDM) material properties for the FE isolator model by matching the static stiffness with either the targeted spring rate (linear or nonlinear) or the (tested) load / deflection curve. The second step is to perform dynamic analysis on the statically “validated” FE isolator model to obtain its dynamic properties. More “accurate” analytical predictions of the isolator's dynamic characteristics were expected when the provided static load / deflection hysteresis loop curves were matched.
- Pages
- 18
- Citation
- Zhang, Y., "Modeling Dynamic Stiffness of Rubber Isolators," SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0492, 2011,