Developments in electronics and mechanics have improved performance of vehicles in collision, especially during and after the crash, producing injuries and an economical impact to the owner of the vehicle. Lately several projects focused on preventing collision have raised as Active Safety Systems or so called in Europe, Advanced Driving Assistance Systems which have been developed facing the challenge of avoiding collisions.
The goal of this project is to design, build and install a system capable of detecting and warning the driver about dangerous obstacles. In case the driver does not react on time the system will slow down the vehicle in order to decrease the collision velocity, or even avoid it. After a careful analysis of different LIDAR and non-vision passive infrared sensors are implemented and explored.
This paper proposes a decision model using the combinations of some simple models of the driver, the vehicle, the control unit, and obstacle detection. This system is developed searching for the following characteristics: effectiveness for real dangerous objects detection, able to be used in all weather conditions, good performance at day and night, activate the braking system immediately after the danger is detected in order to save time in the reaction time of the driver. The function target in this stage of the project is effective detection of dangerous objects.