The ever increasing complexity of embedded automotive software is not matched by the current development and test processes of automotive embedded software and the latter have become the limiting factor.
A model-based software development and testing approach has the potential to reduce software development times, to produce executable specifications very early in the process as well as facilitate automatic code generation. Not surprisingly, the above are regarded as highly beneficial for the automotive industry. The automotive industry is increasingly using model-based testing techniques. Despite this, model-based testing tends to be done in a bespoke and non-systematic fashion [1] and easy to use, high quality, formalised, model-based testing methodologies that cater for the specific needs of in-vehicle software are hard to find.
This paper proposes a systematic model-based testing design approach which builds on previous work on systematic model-based testing for embedded automotive software [2], [3], [4]. The testing design is based on the functional requirements for the system under test and the test data are generated via two different and independent routes.