The simplified mathematical model of the thermal control subsystem is presented. This model was used to create valuable engineering insight regarding Life Science Glove Box Thermal behavior. The TCS considers:
Air temperature control into the Work Volume for research experiments
Air temperature control into the rack with heat sources installed (like electronic boxes, fan's etc.)
Supply by cooling water (and cooling air) to exterior payloads (like Science Equipment and Sub-rack Payload).
Feature of the system is that it is supplied with cold water from two independent loops connection and has different alternatives of water and power distribution.
Together with optional versions of boundary conditions the amount of calculated cases is greater than 320.
During the concept definition phase of the thermal control system, it is sometimes impossible or inexpedient, to build a very complex and detailed model, for example, using ESATAN, SINDA etc. From practice, it is known that the thermal control system concept definition can be accomplished using rather rough calculations, which are executed frequently with the help of the calculator, with use of nomograms, EXCEL-tables etc. The analytical modeling work submitted here occupies an intermediate place between the complex detailed model and rough approximate calculations. The results of this EXCEL BASIC modeling effect has proven to be an effective tool for the evaluation of alternate system configurations. It is also a very useful tool in selecting the preferred system architecture which best satisfied many completing requirements.
Presented PC model has been built in Excel/Excel Basic and based on the Newton-Raffson Method. The following is discussed:
System of equations
Calculation schematic
EXCEL work book and worksheet descriptions
Some examples of analysis results.
Some TCS schematics, considered during the conceptual design phase.