Matching of Gas Metabolism among Crop Community, Human and Animal in the CEEF
- Event
- Content
- Rating of daily amounts of CO2 and O2 exchange of crops, animals and humans to be involved in the long-term habitation experiments using the Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities (CEEF) were carried out. Daily amounts of the CO2-absorption and O2-generation of crops including rice, soybeans and other 27 vegetables were estimated from data obtained from a sequential crop cultivation experiment conducted from August to December of FY2001. Daily amounts of O2-consumption and CO2-expiration of two female Shiba goats to be involved were estimated based on gas exchange determination conducted in FY2002. Daily amounts of CO2-expiration and O2-consumption of two persons to be involved were estimated based on correlation between respiration rate and heart rate, heart rate data during the simulated habitation in the CEEF and a tentative work schedule. In order to discuss about whole material circulation, it is necessary to accumulate more data on rates of O2-consumption and CO2-generation of the waste processors and those on performance of the Sabatier O2 recovery system, in addition to those on biological systems.
- Pages
- 18
- Citation
- Tako, Y., Honda, G., Komatsubara, O., Shinohara, M. et al., "Matching of Gas Metabolism among Crop Community, Human and Animal in the CEEF," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-2452, 2003,