Mass Reduction and Enhanced Geometry of a 0.196 Liters Small IC Engine Piston Through Topology Optimization Simulation and Finite Element Analysis



SAE Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Conference & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Small engines are considered as independent power units with less than 25 horsepower of power output. They are commonly used in construction and industry appliances, as Electric Generators, Hydraulic pumps, and in homologated racing series. The work presented in this document evaluates the mechanical attributes of a small engine piston as a pressure of 3.1 MPa is applied to the top surface. The methodology used aims to create a series of improvements such as mass reduction and geometry optimization, keeping the initial mechanical properties of the Aluminum A380 piston. To achieve this, a comparison between three iterations of SOLIDWORKS® Topology Optimization Analysis is made. Each iteration contains the same two constraints, two loads applied to the body and a geometric fixture. The constraints include a constraint for region preservation and a value of at least 10% of mass reduction for each iteration. The loads include a load applied on the top end of the piston and a load applied on the external area of the skirts. Lastly, the fixture is at the center of the body, simulating a critical scenario. To create a validation of the topology optimization results of each iteration, a finite element analysis was held to found where the minimum and maximum stress and strain parameters were placed and validate the analysis of geometric changes created by topology optimization. This comparison results in the creation of complex geometries where conventional manufacturing methods do not represent a viable option. Additive manufacturing and its different alloy metals with different mechanical properties offer a method in which these geometries can be manufactured since topology optimization offers a new range of mechanical properties using less amount of material to create a body capable of filling the needs of performance and resistance.
Meta TagsDetails
Perez, A., Valdes, A., Niño, G., Tamayo, C. et al., "Mass Reduction and Enhanced Geometry of a 0.196 Liters Small IC Engine Piston Through Topology Optimization Simulation and Finite Element Analysis," SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-1115, 2022,
Additional Details
Aug 30, 2022
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Content Type
Technical Paper